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5 Marketing Tips For Doctors

5 Marketing Tips For Doctors

For many doctors, the idea of getting more patients isn’t something they have to worry about. Some cannot find time to see a new patient for weeks or even months. However, for many physicians, competition has never been steeper as is the need for a strong online presence. How do you build your brand, introduce new services, protect your online reputation and establish yourself as the leading expert in your field? Here are some doctor marketing tips that will benefit everyone in the medical field:

  1. Time to focus on SEO: Everyone thinks about SEO as simply being ranked on the top page of Google. While that’s true, you also have to be found on other keywords. For example, if someone searches for a “Fort Lauderdale dermatologist,” you obviously want to be found at the top. However, what if they search for “Eczema treatment Fort Lauderdale?” That’s something you can treat and you want to be found for that one as well.
  2. Get social: Social media is not just about networking with friends. It’s a powerful tool which allows you to reach your audience based on what they are looking for, where they live, age, interests and more. It’s also a great way to educate patients about new products or services you are offering and stay in touch with them.
  3. Free advice is always appreciated: One of the best marketing tips for doctors is to take some time and actually write a blog or do a video that you can share on your website as well as social media. Write about a trending topic or ways to improve your health. If you’re a dermatologist, you can write about safe ways to protect your skin from the sun. These are valuable pieces of content because they are going to get viewed and shared by people who want free medical advice and it introduces those people to you and your practice.
  4. Protect your reputation: Another great thing about SEO is that it protects your online reputation. There are dozens of review sites on the web and you do not want someone to research you and see negative comments about your service. SEO will help to ensure that people are seeing positive things about you.
  5. Expand your presence: There are dozens of sites that list local medical professionals and practices. Business listings can ensure that you are easy to find on each of those sites while also helping you to show up on a lot of searches conducted by people in your area. One of the most important marketing tips for doctors is to make sure that you are easy to find by patients who are looking for someone in your specialty.

Following these doctors marketing tips are a great way to expand your reach and be seen by thousands of people in your area. The more comfortable people become with you online, as a reliable resource of information, the more comfortable they will be to contact you when they need your service.