• (954) 949-9500
  • 1000 E Hillsboro Blvd, Suite 105


  • To attempt to recapture a larger market share of the health / fitness club industry
  • Inform consumers about existing specials and promotions at their local BTF
  • Increase foot traffic into the 292 BTF locations nationwide

BTF needed a very effective, cutting edge marketing program to reach those on-the-go fitness enthusiasts Digital Urgency’s mobile marketing solution with in-depth customer information and geo location addressed this need perfectly. The two main challenges that BTF faced were the ability to pinpoint their target audience (both geographically & demographically) and to engage them with a two-way correspondence versus the traditional one way advertisement / offer that might be presented to a consumer. Digital Urgency queried its Opt-in SMS database and pulled a custom list of health / fitness enthusiasts, ages 18 to 40 and that lived within a 3 to 5-mile radius of each club. Consumers were presented with a message, inquiring if they were interested in getting in shape for summer and if so, to respond to the text message with their zip code to receive a special offer from BTF. Digital Urgency built a custom backend solution so that when a Customer texted in, they were sent an autoresponder message with the special offer and the address of the nearest BTF location, based on proximity to their zip code


Over one thousand (1,000) consumers texted responded to the message and were given BTF’s special offer. DigDev Direct was able to generate leads at an eCPL that was 10% lower than competitive channels. The increase in both consumer leads and foot traffic driven to the BTF locations was significant enough for Bally Total Fitness to include mobile marketing in future media buys.